My Name Is Aaleeyah Ivy


Beginning | 12 - 5 - 2022

So I decided to create a blob area to express my thoughts and maybe some nice little world building ideas. When at work I get bored or have the most amazing ideas that cannot go unwritten...this is where they will be. I always loved creative arts such as writing , drawing , and designing. Hopefully I can write about some worlds I've been wishing to share with others. I have a few characters in mind and maybe even lore to back up these crazy ideas of mine.

Beginning | 12 - 6 - 2022

I lost my ADHD & Anxiety meds over the weekend and have always relied on them most of my life. These past 2 days have been crazy but kind of relieving? I don't feel held back and realized that I am much capable of doing things despite have disabilities. For example, my executive dysfunction prevents me from starting or finishing things, but I did all the dishes by hand and made dinner. That's truly insane and I got through a day at work without feeling extreme boredom. I love my meds, it helps me tremedously, but having a break is amazing as well.

Beginning | 12 - 9 - 2022

I was reading about how you should blog on portfolio's, it's supposed to be work/project related but that is super lame. I'm still going to write my amazing random boring rants. Remember those meds I lost??? After searching the car a billion times, I was on call with my husband. In a frenzy I questioned his innocence and asked if he was hiding them. Obviously, he said "No" and then he says, "Babe, I know where they are...look in the glove compartment." Silence fills the call as I open the glove compartment and see my meds just sitting there...menacingly. That's the last place we looked for anything, so of course that's where we lost them at. Don't put your meds in the glove compartment, especially if you have ADHD.

Middle | 12 - 13 - 2022

My position at IMS Company is about to end. I have tried my best to finish loose ends or features that aren't working. In the meantime, I've been pondering if I want to get another degree...or just do a bunch of certificates. I enjoy coding but also my passion originates with art, illustration, and graphic design. Since companies that are looking for graphic designers think I have no experience, because I only have a tech degree...I could wipe out my 2nd degree specialising in illustration. I'd have 2 degrees and more opportunities to explore job-wise. This would cause more strain on my work schedule, but maybe over the summer I can think about it. I love drawing so much, just look at my Art section.

Ender | 12 - 21 - 2022

My Husband got Flu-Vid and I've been working from home without much coding sessions. My addiction to Minecraft & League of Legends has spiked. I'm climbing up to (hopefully) plat eventually as a seraphine torturer...she's so fun to play. Also, my husband got me into modded Minecraft so yeah, building the perfect house is addicting. I'm stumped on what to learn next in my tech career. After this assignment I'm hoping to have more time to study concepts and build more projects.

Ender | 12 - 30 - 2022

Things are looking up. I'm feeling pretty good about life. This is a snippet of my Ender.


New | 1 - 3 - 2023

I'm struggling a bit with work and trying to work efficiently. I don't think a 8-5 job is for me. I'm pretty much going insane and can't do anything about it.


Middle | 7 - 22 - 23

It's been a long time since I updated my blog and me and my husband are getting back into developing our websites and fullstack projects. I'm part-time working on my small business called Claydhd. I'll add a new page so people can browse through that. I never really stick to one medium of art, I do digital, clay art, traditional, digital design, and sticker design. My Etsy shop has stickers, car decals and earrings.


Opener | 3 - 13 - 24

Okay, it's been almost a year since I ever posted on this blog or touched any of it. I'm building up on this and trying to bypass all the issue with this set up. Docker PHP isn't working and I'm relying on my husband to torubleshoot it. Hopefully all goes well and I can get things moving on both yinyang / claydhd. Also if you havne't watched Dune pt.1 or pt.2 please go watch that movie please, I beg you. It's truly amazing!